لیست آثار ارسال شده

TitleFamily / NameRow
 CCC in mature cataract surgery  Abbas  Abolhasani  1
 entangled CTR solution  Abbas  Abolhasani  2
 epibulbar dermoid cyst removal  Abbas  Abolhasani  3
 Flange IOL & artificial iris  Abbas  Abolhasani  4
 cercalge in urret - zavalia syn  Abbas  Abolhasani  5
 CTS flange in traumatic cataract surgery  Abbas  Abolhasani  6
 Epikeratoplasty  Abbas  Abolhasani  7
 Flanged IOL fixation  Abbas  Abolhasani  8
 Retrieval of the lost medial rectus  Kaveh  Abri Aghdam  9
 Artificial cornea  Sayed MohammadAli  Abtahi Forushani  10
 Phacoemulsification in a patient with corneal opacity and dense cataract  Alireza  Amirabadi  11
 Management of aphakia in a child with history of penetrating trauma and pars plana vitrectomy using Yamane Intrascleral haptic fixation(ISHF)  Alireza  Eslampoor  12
 Cataract Surgery in KCN (Post ICRS Phaco + Toric PCIOL)  Seyed Javad  Hashemian  13
 Post RK Cataract Surgery and Toric PCIOL  Seyed Javad  Hashemian  14
 Femtosecond Assisted Keratopigmentation  Seyed Javad  Hashemian  15
 Refractive Management of Keratoconus ( ICRS, CXL and Toric ICL)  Seyed Javad  Hashemian  16
 Lamellar Keratoplasty in a patient with large Descemetocele  Kiana  Hassanpour  17
 Exposure of a Pintucci-type Keratoprosthesis; Surgical revision with buccal mucosal patch graft  Kiana  Hassanpour  18
 En bloc Keratolimbal allograft (KLAL) and Penetrating Keratoplasty (PKP) in a patient with LSCD due to severe chemical burn  Kiana  Hassanpour  19
 Intracapsular cataract extraction  Sadid  Hooshmandi  20
 Air Bubble Test  Nasser  Karimi  21
 Deep Sclerectomy in Struge Weber syndrome  Arezoo  Miraftabi  22
 Enlargement of congenital  M. Jafar  Rastegar  23
 Silent sinus syndrome secondary to orbital floor fracture (floating piece)  Mohammad Hassan  Rikhtegar  24
 intralenticular foreign body  Mohsen  Saber  25
 Confocal Scan of a Patient with Cornea Acanthamoeba Infection  Mohammad  Zamani  26


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